SLAMonline: Upgraded

by Ryne Nelson

This week marks another milestone in SLAMonline’s unending cycle of fighting, winning, losing and improving. While we catch our breath after completing the major renovations, now is a good time to review how we upgraded.

Not only will these changes make it easier for us to share pictures, videos, news and of course, words, the new SLAMonline will make browsing much smoother for you! Some changes might seem small, but believe us — the littlest things can make the biggest differences.


More videos, no problems. Why have just one video when you can have three? Why click to another page when you watch SLAMTV from the homepage? We’re taking our moving pictures game very serious.


Wallpapers and photos are combined into one section down the middle of the SLAMonline homepage. With all the pics we have coming through each day, we felt the need to give our images some prominence.


You can now rotate through four kicks stories straight on the homepage. Still a work in progress, Kicks isn’t just about the Kick of the Day anymore — Chris O’Leary and other bloggers are bringing plenty of original sneaker news to SLAMonline every day.

Featured Stories

Since you’re here, we imagine you’re a fan of SLAM’s writers. While we’re all about pics and vids as well, the heart of SLAMonline is still its unique features. Check Featured Stories every hour for new reviews, opinion, Q + As, magazine features, contests and much more from your favorite writers.


It’s still around, people. Scroll to the bottom of SLAMonline for the best daily hoops poll on the web.

H360 Hoops

Check out the latest with SLAMonline friends, BallisLife, Hoopmixtape and Counterkicks. Basketball heads like us can’t get through a day without visiting them all — why not have ’em in one place?

That covers the major changes. Of course, the look of SLAMonline will change again and again and again. But one thing that will never change is our fantastic hoops community. As long as you keep living and breathing basketball, SLAMonline will only continue to grow!