NBA Live 07 is live

By Sam Rubenstein

As I am typing this at 2:47 P.M., there is a mass gathering at The NBA Store. Tracy McGrady, Tony Parker and lots of people that pre-registered to get their copy of NBA Live 07 for Xbox 360 are there. I went to this event last year for Live ’06 when Vince, Bosh, Josh Smith, and I believe Dwyane Wade were all there. Lupe Fiasco was downstairs re-doing the same verse over and over and over. The place was packed, and the only highlights I can remember were watching Vince work the cash register really hard and observing Josh Smith as the latest member of the plus 15 pounds club.

EA has the monopoly on football these days with the licensing, but there’s still competition in the world we cover here. 2K7, NBA 07 The Life, and now this.
NBA Live 07 is in stores. The offseason is officially over.