Warriors Coach Mike Brown Nearly Arrested Heading to Game 2

Acting Golden State Warriors head coach Mike Brown arrived late for Game 2 of the Western Conference Finals on Tuesday night, and nearly found himself in handcuffs.

Brown drew the ire of police officers for tailing the Spurs’ bus a little too closely, which greatly amused Gregg Popovich.

The cops didn’t care much for Brown’s explanations.

Per the AP:

“I’m like, ’Warriors acting coach,’” he said, pointing to the logo on his shirt. “He’s like: ‘I don’t care. Hey you, stop!’”


At his final red light before reaching the gates to the stadium parking lots, Brown’s luck ran out.


Once the Spurs got by, Brown’s phone rang with a familiar caller ID — “Gregg Popovich, San Antonio Spurs.”


“So I answer the phone and Pop is dying. He goes, ’Mike, I didn’t know that was you,’” Brown recalled. “He goes: ’I’m sitting here and I see this black Range Rover, I see all these cops surrounding them. I see the car trying to inch forward, I’m like, ‘He’s about to get arrested.’ I said, ‘Pop, this is my own building.’ He goes, ‘I know, when I saw it was you, I died laughing.’”