Tales of Kevin McHale’s Hilarious ‘Coaching’

by Marcel Mutoni

As if Minnesota T-Wolves fans hadn’t suffered enough, but now the guy from the front-office who absolutely botched the last, oh, decade and some, is in charge of leading the troops into battle from the sidelines.

If you’re expecting things to improve, I’d like you first to listen to Anthony Carter’s stories, a man who played for coach McHale a few years ago.

From the Rocky Mountain News:

“It was a learning experience,” said Carter. “He didn’t really know all the X’s and O’s, but he had a good assistant coaching staff that was helping him out with a lot of plays. He kind of let us run whatever we wanted.”

“He was trying to draw plays, and it was like a little Etch and Sketch. Like a kid just messing around… He just gave the clipboard to the assistant coaches sometimes.”

Why do I get the feeling this is precisely the same way that Michael Jordan runs the Bobcats?

McHale, who Etch-A-Sketched his way to the first of many losses last night, will attempt to prove to Anthony Carter and the rest of the Nuggets that he can actually draw a play all by himself tonight in Denver.

As for you Wolves fans, you poor bastards, better hope the assistant coaches bought extra markers. It could be a long rest of the season.