TNT’s Apology for Tracy Morgan’s Sarah Palin Joke

The folks at Turner learned last night that giving Tracy Morgan a mic on live television isn’t a very good idea. It’s undoubtedly hilarious, but not very bright. So, they apologized. From USA Today: “TNT wasted no time apologizing for Tracy Morgan’s suggestive comments about Sarah Palin on Thursday night. Morgan, star of NBC’s 30 Rock sitcom, said during TNT’s nationally televised Inside the NBA that he fantasized about the former U.S. vice presidential candidate and Alaska Governor. TNT’s Charles Barkley and Kenny Smith laughed nervously while Ernie Johnson quickly tried to change the subject. ‘It’s unfortunate Mr. Morgan showed a lack of judgment on our air with his inappropriate comments. We apologize for any embarrassment or offense it may have caused,’ said Turner spokesman Jeff Pomeroy in a statement.”