Restaurant Brawl, Starring Tim Thomas?

Tim Thomas has been (rightly) accused of dogging it his whole career. One thing that doesn’t lack intensity, though, are his fights (allegedly): “Thomas, another man and three women entered the Denny’s. Damien Pettie, 29, recognized Thomas and told police that he stated, ‘What’s up?’ Thomas told him not to talk to him, using curse words and racial and anti-gay epithets. Pettie responded with profanity. The man with Thomas then struck Pettie twice in the face, splitting his lip. ‘Then all parties within both groups began to throw chairs, knock over tables, and fight each other’ until the store manager told them he was going call police. A suspect, identified as Thomas, threw a chair that struck Moya Kissick in her left side. Thomas and his group then left the restaurant before police arrived. Colleen Kissick, 29, said she and her mother had been out celebrating her mother’s 65th birthday, which was Tuesday. They had just gotten their food when the fight suddenly erupted without warning and her mother got hit with a chair.”