Times Select

by Lang Whitaker

It’s funny how things work. I slept late yesterday and woke up in time to watch the US/Ecuador soccer game. Afterwards, I was leaving to get brunch with Wifey when my cell phone buzzed. It was a text message from my friend Marcus, noting, “Saw your blog in the New York Times today. Big ups.”

What? So I stopped at the next bodega and bought a copy of the New York Times. (I mean, I, er, I subscribe to the Times. I love the Times! I stay reading the Times!)

And sure enough, right there on page two of the sports section, was this:

Slamonline.com is the internet home of Slam Magazine, a monthly hip-hop and basketball publication. The site has much of the magazine’s content, but the real reason to log on is the semi-daily Links column written by Lang Whitaker, a regular contributor to the magazine.

He posts links and commentary, which range from nuts-and-bolts analysis to recounting a trip to Quizno’s with the Lakers’ Andrew Bynum, or explaining a comb-over to the Knicks.

Pretty cool, huh? Only a few complaints:

• We’re a “hip-hop and basketball publication?” That’s easily my favorite SLAM misnomer, when people say we’re a “hip-hop” basketball magazine. What does that even mean? Is it because we listen to hip-hop around here? Is it because we use hip-hop references in our headlines? Does that make the New York Times “a classical music paper that reports news”?

• It’s not a semi-daily column, it’s daily…well usually.

• I’m not just a contributor to the magazine, I’m the executive editor. But I guess I do contribute regularly.
Anyway, pretty cool. Thanks, Times.