Players in No Rush to Re-Negotiate CBA

Derek Fisher tells the NY Times that there’s plenty of time left to negotiate, but nevertheless uses the word “doomsday” within the same breath: “From Fisher’s perspective, the union’s priority is to create a proposal that can be built upon as talks progress. ‘We’ll just continue to push as hard as we can, so it’s as realistic and as serious a proposal as it can be, and not something we send back just for the exercise,’ he said. Fisher said there was no specific timeline for completing its proposal. ‘We know there’s going to be a lot of work involved,’ he said. ‘We’ll keep pushing, and see what we can give back into their hands. There’s not a timeline or any guarantee it will be in their hands by a certain date. We have this season, this summer and the entire year next year before we get down to doomsday.”’